Monthly Archives: December 2023

Comparative Negligence in South Carolina Slip and Fall Cases
Slip and fall accidents are quite common. Unfortunately, a slip-and-fall accident can result in severe injuries. While many falls do not result in injuries, one out of five falls causes severe injuries, such as head injuries and broken bones. Such injuries can make it hard for a person to perform daily activities or live… Read More »

Tips To Help You Avoid Accidents at Intersections
Intersections are among the most dangerous places on our roadways. Intersections involve multiple lanes, various directions of traffic, and many road users, including motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists. This increases the chances of accidents happening at intersections. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) estimates that over 50% of all fatal and injury collisions occur at or… Read More »

Comparative Fault in South Carolina Truck Accident Cases
Truck accidents are a common occurrence in the United States of America. According to the National Safety Council (NSC), in 2021 alone, 5,700 trucks were involved in accidents that resulted in death, and 117,300 trucks were involved in accidents that caused injuries. When a truck accident occurs, victims can recover financial compensation from at-fault… Read More »