5 Steps To Take After A Defective Product Causes Injury

Manufacturers have an obligation to produce and sell safe products. However, the reality is that there are a lot of dangerous products in the market. Many consumer products have the ability to cause serious injuries. Fortunately, there are laws in place that protect consumers. After being hurt by a defective product in South Carolina, you can hold the company that designed or manufactured the defective product liable for its actions. After being injured by a defective product in South Carolina, you may be eligible to recover compensation.
If you were hurt by a defective product in South Carolina, the following are the steps you need to take to protect your legal rights and ensure you recover the compensation you deserve.
Step #1: Seek Medical Attention
After a defective product causes you an injury, your health should be your priority. Do not wait to see if the pain or symptoms will disappear, as waiting might only worsen your injury. Seeking medical treatment also means your injury is documented in medical records. When you seek medical treatment, not only will the doctor treat you, but they will also document how your injuries happened and the severity of your injuries. This documentation is crucial for building your claim.
Step #2: Keep the Product
After a product injures you, it is best to avoid throwing it away. Store the product that injured you in a safe place, and ensure you keep any packaging and documents that came with it, including receipts that show proof of purchase. Having the item that caused your injury can prove invaluable in your case.
In the event that it is impossible for you to store the product safely, take as many pictures and videos of it as you can before you throw it away.
Step #3: Document as Much Information as You Can
After a defective product injures you, you need to document as much information as possible about, among other things, when you purchased the product, how you used it, and how it failed. You need to keep a copy of your medical records. All this information can help tell the story of your defective product injury. Also, take pictures and videos of the injury you sustained due to the defective product, if possible.
Step #4: Stay Away From Social Media
After suffering an injury because of a defective product, you may be tempted to write social media posts about the product. However, it is best that you avoid doing so. Due to your emotions, you could end up writing things that are considered defamatory. Your posts could end up being used against you in your case.
Step #5: Seek Legal Help
Finally, if you were hurt by a defective product, seek legal help as soon as possible. Regardless of the amount of evidence you have, going up against a business alone can be intimidating. An attorney can help you prove your case and recover the compensation you deserve. Depending on the specifics of your case, an attorney might even be able to help you recover punitive damages in addition to compensatory damages.
Contact the Gus Anastopoulo Law Firm
Were you injured by a defective product in South Carolina and need help recovering the compensation you deserve? Contact our Charleston personal injury lawyer at the Gus Anastopoulo Law Firm at 843-310-5555.