Charleston Named One of Most Dangerous Cities to Drive in Nationwide

A recent study found that Charleston, South Carolina, is the fifth most dangerous city to drive in in the nation. The study found that a whopping 30% of licensed Charleston drivers have received a speeding ticket, been found at fault in a vehicle accident, or have a DUI violation.
In a single night last week, twenty-one individuals were arrested for DUI in Charleston and Berkeley Counties.
The study also found that South Carolina is tenth in the nation for DUI-related deaths, with nearly 300 in 2018. Another recent article reported that 30% of all fatal accidents in South Carolina last year were due to drunk driving.
Have You or a Loved one Been a Victim of Drunk Driving?
If you are a Charleston resident, based on statistics alone, there is a good chance you may have been involved in a vehicle collision due to drunk driving. If you or a loved one have suffered an injury as a result of another driver’s illegal incapacitation, you do not have to shoulder the burden alone.
It is easy to get overwhelmed in the aftermath of a car accident. It is natural to want to focus on healing and putting your life back together. However, when your life has been thrown off course by someone else’s illegal and reckless behavior, you may find it impossible to get yourself back on track without help. That’s where personal injury law comes in.
What is Personal injury Law?
When someone breaks the law, such as by driving drunk, and ultimately causes harm, they are penalized by the criminal justice system by being jailed, fined, etc. However, the criminal courts do nothing to restore or help the victims of the criminal’s conduct. That’s what personal injury law is for.
The aim of personal injury law is to restore the victim to the financial position they would have been in had the harm never occurred. While no amount of money can make someone emotionally whole after suffering a serious accident, it can relieve the stress of having to afford medical treatment and allow the victim and their family to maintain the same standard of life they would have otherwise. Additionally, a personal injury lawsuit allows victims to seek pain and suffering damages to compensate for the emotional and traumatic harm caused.
What if I was Injured in a Non-DUI Accident?
DUI is not a condition for bringing a personal injury lawsuit. In fact, any car accident (or situation) in which you have suffered physical injury due to the recklessness or negligence of another can be grounds for a personal injury lawsuit.
How do I Bring a Personal Injury Lawsuit?
The first step in bringing a personal injury lawsuit is speaking with an experienced Charleston drunk driver accident lawyer. A personal injury lawyer will evaluate the specific circumstances of your case, and determine the best legal path to take in order to ensure that you are fairly compensated for your suffering.
If you or a loved one have been injured in a car crash due to another driver’s incapacitation, contact the Gus Anastopoulo Law Firm to schedule a free consultation today.