Mistakes To Avoid When Talking To An Insurance Adjuster

Car accidents can be stressful, physically traumatic, and financially catastrophic. In the aftermath of a car accident, you may be shaken up and ready to get back to “normal” life. When a friendly insurance adjuster calls on behalf of the negligent driver, you may be eager to be helpful and get a settlement quickly so that you can move on with your life. However, it’s important to understand the role of the insurance claims adjuster and their priorities before you rush into accepting a predatory or low-ball offer. The aim of the insurance adjuster is to settle your claim for as little as possible. After all, if insurance settlements paid out every claim that was made they would likely not turn a profit. While adjusters may seem friendly and eager to help, they have the bottom line in mind. It’s important to go into it with this mindset.
Don’t Rush to Talk to Them
Insurance adjusters may create a sense of urgency in reaching out to you immediately after a car accident. This is by design. It is not actually urgent. It is far more important that you take the time to see a medical doctor, have your vehicle assessed, talk to a lawyer, and get into a good headspace before you consider talking to an insurance claims adjuster. It is by design that insurance agents try to talk to you so soon after an accident. They know that right after an accident you will not have had time to learn about the extent of your injuries, the treatment that they require, or the impact that they will have on your life. In fact, you may not even be able to feel your injuries due to adrenaline from the accident.
Don’t Consent to Giving a Recorded Statement
It may be asked casually and you will probably want to seem helpful and agreeable, but there are few situations in which a recorded statement will not come back to bite you. Giving a recorded statement, particularly before you have the full facts of the accident, know about the extent of the medical and property damage, or have become aware of your injuries, can provide the negligent driver’s insurance company with evidence that can be used against you later. For instance, if they have you on record, hours after the accident, saying that you are not in pain and do not believe you are injured, but several days later begin feeling pain and learn you have a fractured disk, they can use the recorded statement to try and deny coverage on the basis that the accident was not the cause of your injury.
You Don’t Have to Talk to Them at All
It’s a common misconception that you have to interact with insurance claims adjusters at all. In fact, you can hire a lawyer to interact with the negligent party’s insurance company on your behalf. You also have the option to submit a written statement to the adjuster rather than talk to them on the phone, or can state that you will only correspond via email, so that everything is in writing and you have the ability to give time and consideration to any statement that you make.
Talk to a Charleston Personal Injury Lawyer
If you have been injured in a car accident, the Gus Anastopoulo Law Firm is ready to help you navigate the insurance process and ensure that you get the best possible settlement for the harm that you have suffered. Call our Charleston car accident attorney today to schedule a free consultation.