Tips Dor Dealing With The Insurance Company After An Accident

After suffering an injury in South Carolina because of another party’s negligence, you can file a personal injury claim against the negligent party’s insurance company and recover compensation. After filing a personal injury claim, you are entitled to recover full compensation from the at-fault party. Unfortunately, fair compensation is often difficult to obtain. You can expect that the negligent party’s insurance company will try its best to limit how much money you can recover. It is crucial that before filing your personal injury claim, you prepare yourself to deal with the insurance company’s representatives.
Below, we share some tips for dealing with the insurance company after an accident.
Tip #1: Do Not Admit Fault
You should not admit fault for your accident. This includes admitting partial fault. Remember, you may not understand exactly what caused your accident. You should let your attorney and the insurance company determine fault. If you admit that you are also to blame for your accident, the insurance company may be able to reduce your compensation, possibly by a large amount. In South Carolina, if a personal injury victim is also to blame for their accident, the comparative negligence rule requires that their compensation be reduced by their percentage of fault. If you accept a portion of the blame for your accident, the insurance company may assign you a large portion of the blame so it can reduce a large portion of your settlement offer.
Tip #2: Do Not Give a Recorded Statement
The insurance adjuster may try to get a recorded statement from you. They may tell you that this is routine. You are not obligated to provide a recorded statement to the insurance company, and it is in your best interests not to provide a statement. Insurance adjusters ask personal injury victims to provide recorded statements so they can find things to use against them to reduce their compensation or deny their claims. If the insurance company reaches out to you and asks for a recorded statement, ensure you consult with your attorney.
Tip #3: Be Skeptical of a Quick Settlement Offer
If the insurance company makes a quick settlement offer, it may be tempting to accept the offer. However, it is best if you are skeptical of quick settlement offers. Insurance companies usually make quick settlement offers to get the plaintiff to settle their claim before they have had time to understand the full extent of their injuries and the full value of their claim. Patience is crucial when it comes to settling a personal injury claim.
Tip #4: Be Wary of Documents the Insurance Company Asks You to Sign
The insurance company will most likely ask you to sign documents pertaining to your accident. It is vital that you are wary of any documents the insurance company asks you to sign. For example, if you are not careful, you may sign a document that limits your legal rights and prevents you from pursuing the full value of your claim.
Contact the Gus Anastopoulo Law Firm
If you’ve suffered injuries in a South Carolina accident because of another party’s negligence and need help recovering the compensation you deserve from the negligent party’s insurance company, contact our Charleston personal injury lawyers at the Gus Anastopoulo Law Firm.