What NOT To Say to an Insurance Adjuster After a South Carolina Truck Accident

Soon after a South Carolina truck accident, you can expect a call from an insurance adjuster from the negligent party’s insurance company. When dealing with an insurance adjuster, you should keep in mind that this individual works for the insurance company and is concerned about earning as much money as possible for the insurance company by paying as little as possible in accident claims. Remember that insurance adjusters are always looking for ways to minimize the compensation they have to pay accident victims.
When dealing with an insurance adjuster after a South Carolina truck accident, you must be cautious of what you say to them. What you say to an insurance adjuster can be used against you to minimize your compensation. Below, we discuss some of the things you should avoid when talking about your truck accident case with an insurance adjuster;
#1: Admitting Fault
Avoid admitting guilt to an insurance adjuster after a truck accident. Even when it seems like you may be to blame, do not discuss this with the insurance adjuster. Fault determination is a complex process. While it might seem like you are to blame, there may be other factors that relieve you of fault. It is best to let the investigative process admit fault.
Some key phrases to avoid when speaking to an insurance adjuster include;
- “I am sorry” or “I apologize.”
- “It was my fault.”
- “I did not see them.”
- “I should have…” or “I should not have…”
#2: Speculating on Injuries
If an insurance adjuster calls you to discuss your injuries, it is best you refer them to your attorney. However, if you must speak to them, you should avoid speculations. Do not make unverified or uncertain statements about the nature or extent of your injuries. Only stick to facts when communicating about your injuries. Focus on details your doctor has confirmed. Avoid exaggerating or downplaying your injuries.
#3: Making Assumptions About Your Accident
When discussing your accident with an insurance adjuster, do not speculate about what happened. Only speak about what you experienced directly, and don’t make assumptions. You don’t have to answer if the insurance company asks you a question you are unsure of. In such a case, you can say, “I don’t know,” or “I am not sure.” If you speculate about what happened, you may accidentally blame yourself and give the insurance company an excuse to reduce your compensation.
#4: Offering Unnecessary Information
It is essential that you provide accurate and relevant information to the insurance adjuster. However, you should avoid offering unnecessary information. For example, do not offer personal opinions about the accident or the people involved.
#5: Giving a Recorded Statement
Finally, if an insurance adjuster asks if they can record your statement, you should not give them the go-ahead. You are not under any obligation to agree to a recorded statement. If you allow the insurance adjuster to record your statement, it could come back to haunt you. Your recorded statement could be used as evidence against you later on. Your words could be used against you.
Contact a Charleston Truck Accident Lawyer
At Gus Anastopoulo Law Firm, our Charleston truck accident lawyer can deal with the insurance company on your behalf and help you recover the compensation you deserve. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discuss your case.